Client: Matthew Rudkin
Skill: Meteorologist

Matt Rudkin is our chief meteorologist. Growing up in Warsaw, he is no stranger to our area. Matt delivers the forecast on WSBT 22 News at 5:30, 6, 10 and 11. Matt is also the host of Weather 101, which airs daily on WSBT 22 News First at 4.

In addition to his on-air presence, you can also see Matt’s forecasts in the South Bend Tribune and hear them on the WSBT radio stations – Sunny 101.5, News Radio 960 WSBT, New Country 99.9 and Z94.3.

Matt is a certified Meteorologist with a Bachelors Degree in Atmospheric Science from Purdue University. His career began at the National Weather Service. From there, he worked at WLFI-TV in West Lafayette, IN as well as WSIL-TV in Carterville, IL.

Matt has been nominated as best weather caster. He is also a member of the American Meteorological Society and holds the Certified Broadcast Meteorologist certification, the highest distinction given to a broadcast meteorologist.

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